What us himalayan buckwheat flour

What is Himalayan buckwheat flour – the benefits of your favorite buckwheat groats


We all know the buckwheat porridge or kasha as the favorite dish of Slavic people. But when it comes to the Himalayan buckwheat flour, we know that it is a popular ingredient worldwide: from China, Japan to Europe, and the US. American housewives have been preparing buckwheat pancakes since the 19th century. As to Europeans, they love their buckwheat biscuits with milk.

How to make pancaces with buckwheat flour

Why do people call it Himalayan buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour and the groats have come from the Himalayas, Nepal. Almost all worldwide cuisines have dishes with buckwheat flour:

  • Korea;
  • Japan;
  • China;
  • India;
  • Italy;
  • France;
  • the US;
  • Ukraine;
  • Poland.

How to make buckwheat flour at home

You don’t have to buy buckwheat flour. Instead, you can do it yourself. You need to peel, fry, and then grind tiny groats. Let’s find out the proper recipe:

  1. You need to take the core, sort it out and rinse.
  2. Wait until the groats dry out or slightly warm them in the oven.
  3. Grind in a blender, coffee grinder, or food processor to the consistency of powdered sugar.
  4. If necessary, sift and grind large particles again.

Home-ground buckwheat is more valuable than buckwheat bought in the supermarket, as you will not clean the grains from the husk at home. It makes them full of fiber and vitamins.


How to choose buckwheat flour in the store, if you want to buy it

There are different types of buckwheat flour depending on the dishes you want to add it to:

  1. Fine grinding – for making pancakes and muffins.
  2. Peeling retains more valuable properties. It is suitable for bread, cereals, and pasta.

The flour should have a light gray-brown color. If it is darker, then the grains were overcooked, do not buy such flour as it will have a specific unpleasant smell. The consistency should be crumbly. If there are lumps, it indicates the exposure to moisture and violation of product packaging.

How to store the buckwheat flour

When storing flour, there are two main rules:

  1. You should avoid exposure to moisture. It is better to keep in a container with a tightly closed lid in a cool, dry place.
  2. Do not exceed the shelf life from 3 to 7 months. It just means that it’s not worth buying a lot at once. It’s better to buy the quantity that will cover preparing 1-2 dishes.

If you have doubts about the period of buckwheat shelf life at your home, check the product’s suitability by smell. If there is a smell of dampness or mold, you can’t use it. Quality flour has the scent of roasted buckwheat and nuts.

What is Soba

Try gluten-free pasta (Soba)

Constant use of the product helps to normalize:

  • work of the nervous system;
  • functioning of the brain;
  • cholesterol levels;
  • metabolism;
  • immune processes;
  • blood sugar levels;
  • the process of assimilation of food.

Buckwheat does not contain gluten; it’s popular among people with gluten allergies. Nevertheless, if you buy buckwheat flour in the store, you should also know it may contain wheat or rye flour; make sure you check the label.

What are the contraindication

A few decades ago, buckwheat was considered hypoallergenic. But the high protein content can be harmful to your health if you are allergic to it. You should refuse from the product at once if you have:

  • itching in the eye area, redness;
  • swelling of the face, lips, throat;
  • redness in the oral cavity;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • runny nose;
  • diarrhea.

If you want to know more about buckwheat benefits read our article here.

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